Saturday, October 20, 2012

Programming for Raspberry Pi


During the Robotics Club, we were discussing which programming language we should use for the Raspberry Pi and it seems that we can use either C++ or the Assembly Language. Mainly we will use C++ in our club since that was the conclusion we came to as a group but if anyone wants to learn the Assembly Language I found a good site from Cambridge University. This lesson is made specifically for Raspberry Pi so it could be very useful.

Also, if anyone wants to start learning C++, it might be a good idea to start here:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Our First Simple-Bot

So here is our first little robot. It's name is Nuts because of the revolutionary technology of the nut which allowed us to make him vibrate enough, enabling him to move. We also programmed him to make its own decisions. As you can see in this video we are not controlling him ;)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Marble Machine

Today our team planned to create a Marble Machine, for next week we will need the following materials: 

1.Card board 

2.Toiletpaper tube

3.Pizza box for platform

4.Light marbles

5.Styrophom cups